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MailChimp vs Constant Contact: Discover the Winning Email Marketing Solution for 2024

  • Post last modified:March 18, 2024

Deciding on the right email marketing tool is pivotal for the success of your digital campaigns.

This blog post will delve into the MailChimp vs Constant Contact debate.

We aim to provide you with all the necessary information to make an informed decision between MailChimp vs Constant Contact, to meet your marketing needs, elevate your engagement, and boost your results.

Ease of Use Compared

Choose MailChimp to dive into a world where design leads and innovation thrives. 

Constant Contact is a straightforward, uncomplicated path to email marketing success. 

MailChimp shines with its modern, user-friendly interface. 

 You’re drafting your latest campaign with drag-and-drop simplicity.

 It is for creative people, turning design into something fun and artistic.

It’s not just about sending emails but crafting experiences for your audience. 

Does this artistic freedom align with your daily needs? 

With MailChimp, you’re doing more than using a tool; you’re boosting your brand with great-looking campaigns.

MailChimp vs Constant Contact:MailChimp dashboard

Constant Contact is like a steady hand guiding your marketing efforts, from pre-designed templates to extensive support resources. 

It’s built for businesses seeking straightforward solutions without sacrificing depth. 

The platform’s intuitive interface ensures new users can quickly navigate and utilize its features, simplifying email marketing tasks.

Constant Contact eliminates the hassle of creating professional-looking emails.

MailChimp’s vibrant, flexible layout is perfect for those who think outside the box, whereas Constant Contact’s methodical, supportive environment suits the pragmatic planner. 

MailChimp vs Constant Contact: Constant Contact dashboard

Constant Conact Dashboard

Email Design : MailChimp vs Constant Contact

Let’s examine how MailChimp and Constant Contact approach email design so you can create emails that look great and drive results.

MailChimp offers a wide array of customizable templates and a drag-and-drop editor.

 It is easy to design eye-catching emails that match your brand’s aesthetic. 

This means you can create professional and engaging emails without needing a background in design. 

MailChimp’s extensive template gallery and intuitive design tools can help alleviate those fears, enabling you to design like a pro.

MailChimp vs Constant Contact: MailChimp Template

Constant Contact also provides a variety of templates, but its simplicity and ease of use are its strengths.

This platform is ideal for quickly creating clean, effective emails. 

Constant Contact allows you to efficiently craft emails that look good and resonate with your audience without overwhelming you with options.

MailChimp vs Constant Contact: Constant Contact Template

When you decide between MailChimp and Constant Contact for email design.

Consider your design skills 

What do you need from an email campaign?

Do you prefer having many options and customizations (MailChimp)?

Or are you looking for something more straightforward but effective (Constant Contact)?

The best email design is one that connects with your audience and helps you achieve your marketing goals. 

Choose the platform that allows you to express your brand and message effectively.

Automation: MailChimp vs Constant Contact

When delving into automation, the personal touch at a scale makes a difference. 

With MailChimp, you can choose various automation options that cater to user behaviors, making your emails more personalized and timely.

Constant Contact is simple and effective, especially for those new to the email marketing scene.

MailChimp vs Constant Contact: Constant Contact Automation

Both platforms offer robust tracking and reporting features so you can see precisely how your automated campaigns are performing. 

This isn’t about setting and forgetting; it’s about strategic engagement that grows with your audience.

How MailChimp and Constant Contact Manage Contacts

MailChimp offers a flexible approach, allowing you to tag and segment your contacts based on their interactions and preferences. 

By using MailChimp, you can effortlessly import and organize your contacts. 

It separates subscribers based on their preferences and actions, enabling targeted and relevant emails.

 This personal touch can lead to higher engagement rates and more successful campaigns. 

MailChimp provides detailed analytics to gauge the success of your campaigns.


MailChimp vs Constant Contact: MailChimp report

Constant Contact offers a straightforward approach to contact management.

It is ideal for those new to email marketing or with more straightforward needs. 

Its strength is quickly uploading and editing contacts and creating primary segments for targeted emailing. 

Constant Contact’s intuitive design and straightforward functionalities will put your mind at ease if you’re wary of email marketing tools due to past complexities.

Monitoring your campaign performance through Constant Contact’s analytics can give you clear insights into what works best for your subscribers.

MailChimp vs Constant Contact: Constant Contact Reporting

Pricing Models: MailChimp vs Constant Contact

MailChimp uses a tiered pricing model based on the number of contacts and the features you need. 

This flexibility allows you to start for free and scale up as your list grows or requires more sophisticated tools. 

The benefit is that you can control costs while expanding your email marketing efforts. 

MailChimp vs Constant Contact: MailChimp prising

Constant Contact offers a simpler pricing structure based primarily on the size of your email list rather than the feature set. 

This can be great for businesses that want predictability in monthly costs and value straightforward pricing over a highly customizable toolset. 

MailChimp vs Constant Contact: Constant Contact prising

When comparing the two, consider the initial cost and what you aim to achieve with your email marketing. 

Are you looking for a cost-effective way to start and scale (MailChimp), or do you prefer straightforward, predictable pricing (Constant Contact)? 

Both approaches offer different advantages depending on your marketing strategy and budget constraints.

Comprehensive Pros and Cons

Let’s break down the pros and cons of each to see how they align with your goals.



  • Advanced segmentation features 
  • Comprehensive analytics 
  • A free tier is available for small businesses or those just starting out


  • It can become costly as your contact list grows 
  • The platform’s robustness may overwhelm beginners

MailChimp vs Constant Contact: MailChimp Segmentation

Constant Contact


  • The User-friendly interface makes it easy for beginners to navigate and manage contacts
  • Strong customer support with direct access to help 
  • It offers various templates and design tools


  • Less advanced segmentation compared to MailChimp
  • No free plan is available

Evaluating Support Services: MailChimp vs Constant Contact

We are assessing the support services of MailChimp and Constant Contact.

You might prefer MailChimp’s self-service model, equipped with extensive resources for solving problems independently.

MailChimp Support Services:

  • Knowledge Base: Access a wide range of articles, guides, and tutorials, ideal for self-service troubleshooting.
  • Email Support: Get help through email, suitable for non-urgent queries.
  • Live Chat: Available for paying customers, providing real-time assistance during business hours.

Constant Contact’s hands-on support approach is more appealing for direct human contact and immediate responses.

Constant Contact Support Services:

  • Phone Support: Direct access to customer service representatives for immediate assistance.
  • Chat Support: Real-time help is available, ensuring quick solutions to your problems.
  • Email Assistance: For queries that are not time-sensitive, with personalized support.

Drawing Conclusions

Deciding between MailChimp and Constant Contact depends on your email marketing priorities and desired results. 

MailChimp is excellent for personalized campaigns and n-depth analytics, perfect if you’re into data-driven strategies. 

Constant Contact, on the other hand, is user-friendly and offers excellent support, which is ideal for beginners or those who prefer a straightforward approach. 

 Reflect on what you value more: detailed insights or ease of use. Test both with free trials or demos to see which aligns with your goals. 

The right tool should balance functionality with simplicity, enabling you to connect with your audience effectively.